30 Easy Ways to Drink More Water

Your body is made up of about 70% water. Drinking enough is critical for our overall health - it helps with everything from nail and skin health to regulating body temperature to energizing muscles to controlling calories!

However, even though we know how important water is, and the many benefits it can provide - it can be tortuous at times to get even a few glasses down.

But with some simple tips and tricks, making some some fun dos nd don’ts for yourself, and maybe grabbing a new product or two (who doesn’t need an excuse to go shopping), it doesn't have to be such a chore. Here are 30 tips to make drinking more water every day a little easier.

1: Friends Make Everything Better

Accountability can go a long way - so invite a friend to join the challenge with you!

2: Work it into Meal Times

Commit to drinking a full glass of water before eating every meal. That's 3 glasses right there!

3: Make it Visual

Visual cues are so important! That's why I had to get a water bottle with the ounces (and motivational phrases) listed on the side. But you can also use a tracker as a reminder. Print it out and put it in a place that you see regularly.

4: Squeeze in some Flavor

If you're struggling, try adding some flavor. You can add a little bit of excitement and flavor by steeping fresh fruit (grapefruit, strawberries, lemon), veggie slices (cucumber, ginger, celery), and herbs (basil, mint, lavender) in your water bottle.

5: Time it with Potty Breaks

Getting up from your desk for a bathroom break? Stop by the kitchen to chug a glass of water first (or right after!) It's just another way to build the habit into your daily routine.

6: There’s an App for That

Use an app to track your cups. Keeping up with how many glasses you’ve finished can be easy (and fun) with the help of a free app like Daily Water Free or Daily Water. Download them to your phone to set daily reminders and alarms. Anything that gives me an excuse to use a fun interface and gaze at a pretty, sparkly new app has my vote!

7: Literally Water it Down

I know it can be hard to give up your favorite drinks in lieu of water... so you can try diluting sugary drinks with water and ice. You’ll still get the sweetness you’re craving and have some extra water at the same time.

8: Keep it Nearby

It’s easy to remember to fill up on water when the source is in sight. Keep your water bottle or water jug at your desk, by your bed, and on the kitchen counter as a constant reminder to drink up. The more you have to look at that water bottle, the more you'll remember to fill it and drink it.

9: It’s Ok to Be Filtered

Even if it's not something you strictly need, filtered water can often taste better than what's coming out of the tap. So consider investing in a water filter (or something like a Brita) if you don't have one already.

10: Bubbles are Better

Choose sparkling or mineral water over soda. While you're not likely to replace every delectable soda with seltzer, if you're in one of those moods where just about any fizzy drink will do, choose a fizzy water instead.

11: Eat Your H20

A sneaky way to increase your water intake is to eat it! Add fruits and vegetables with a high water content to your grocery shopping list. Some great picks are cucumbers, zucchini, watermelon, and grapefruit.

12: Use the 1:1 Rule

Stick to a one-to-one rule when drinking alcohol. This is a great way to make sure you stay hydrated while out on the town, and a winning strategy for anyone who needs those extra reminders for things that are so easy to forget (or that we find a way to avoid). Plus, you’ll feel way better in the morning. You’re welcome!

13: Mark Your Progress

Use a marked water bottle. There's something about seeing your progress as you go that really encourages you to keep on keeping on no matter what it is you're working on.

14: Refill please!

Anytime you drain your glass or bottle, fill it back up. Make it a habit that as soon as you finish a water bottle, you have to fill it back up again, and you'll never have an empty glass or bottle in your midst for more than a minute or two. You're more likely to keep drinking if the glass is full.

15: Get Salty

Snack on salty stuff. When I'm chomping on my favorite chips or pretzles, you'd have to fight me to get my water bottle out of my hands. If salty stuff is your jam and you're snacking anyway, why not marry the two and graze on stuff that will make you reach for your water bottle.

16: Tea Time

If you're looking for a little variety, why not get into herbal tea! What is tea but deliciously flavored water? Drink it hot in the winter and ice it in summer. Whether you like citrus, floral, spicy, or even chocolate-y, there's a tea out there for you. As long as it's caffeine free - it counts!

17: Leave Bottles Everywhere!

Keep water bottles filled up around the house, in your car and all in all your bags. If they’re easily accessible, you’re more likely to drink!

18: Baby Steps

Set a deadline for every eight ounces. Bite-size goals throughout the day can make it seem more achievable!

19: Start and End Your Day with Water

Leave a bottle of water by your bed, so you can down a glass or two when you first wake up and it will feel less daunting to finish the rest of the day! And then, drink another right before bed, if it won’t make you have to use the loo in the middle of the night. Alternatively, drink a cup of hot tea to make you all sleepy!

20: Tie it to a Routine

Are there certain things you do every day, like take the dog out, brush your teeth, drop your kids of at school? Well, add drinking a glass of water with each of these activities!

21: Make it a Challenge

I know I always do better if someone calls me out… so kick off a healthy competition with a friend or your kids to see who can meet their guzzling goal most often.

22: Take it to Go

When you’re out and about, it can be hard to remember your water too. So, taking your water bottle with you can make it a little easier! Fill your water bottle before you leave home, and bring it along on your daily travels.

23: Suck it Up

Did you know using a straw makes you drink faster? So grab some fun reusable straws and you’ll not only be saving the planet - you’ll also look cool drinking your water.

24: Drink While Your Wait

Whether you’re waiting for your coffee to brew, or your lunch to cook - grab and drink a glass of water while waiting!

25: Make it Half and Half

If you’re like me, and always looking for ways to cut calories AND get more water in, try swapping out some of your juice for water! Take that glass of OJ, and fill it up half-way with the juice, and the other half with sparkling water. You’ll get some of your water in, and feel pretty fancy at the same time!

26: Drink When You Feel Hungry

If you feel a snack attack coming on, drink a glass of water instead, then wait 15 minutes. Our bodies often misread dehydration pangs as hunger. If dehydration was indeed the culprit, you’ll feel satisfied and those pesky “hunger” pangs will be gone! If you are still hungry 15 minutes later, reach for a piece of fruit or a handful of raw nuts for a healthy alternative.

27: Make it a Drinking Game

Binge watching your favorite show? Why not turn it into a water drinking game by taking a sip every time the main character does something they always do, or says their signature phrase!

28: Create a Water Savings Account

Put a jar or some other container in the kitchen and add a quarter (or dollar) to the pot every time you drink a glass of water. Before you know it, you may have enough to take a vacation! Or, you know, dinner at your favorite restaurant.

29: Eat Spicy Foods

Nothing will have you reaching for a glass of ice-cold water faster than a spicy dish like Buffalo Wings or spicy chips and salsa!

30: Reward Yourself for Making Your Goals

There’s nothing like getting rewarded for accomplishing what you set out to do! It just makes you want to keep going after it! So, why not make a rule that if you hit your goal every day for a week, you get a special treat? For the month - it could be something even bigger! For a year - well dang… get that dream pair of shoes!


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